Creative Writing Student Reading
April 18, 2011
The entire PC community is invited to My Friends Bookstore this Wednesday night, April 20, at 7:30 to hear students read selections from some of the stories that they have been working on this semester. The night will begin with a reading by Amanda Eason from her Creative Writing seminar project, and McKenzie Wells will follow with a reading from a story that she has completed as part of her independent study. The rest of the readings will come from the current students in the Creative Writing: Fiction class taught by Mr. Robert Stutts and assisted by Cameron Cook.
Each student in the fiction writing class has written three short stories that have been presented to and critiqued by the rest of the class. For this public reading, every student will read a short selection from one of their best stories. Many different types of writing styles can be expected, so there should be something for everyone to enjoy. Following the student readings, an award for the Best Writer in the Class will be presented to the student who has received the most nominations from the other members of the class. A time of light refreshments will conclude the night.
Student readers, in addition to the two previously named, will include Tove Andersson, Drew Brandel, Kyleen Carpenter, Kate Colwill, Sam Disharoon, Daniel Dye, Taylee Harms, Adam Harris, Carey Mears, Emma Reynolds, Tripp Spradley, and Zach Sprouse.
Make sure you don’t miss this opportunity to hear some great writing, share some good food, and support the student writers/ readers as they wind down the semester.