Schedule Changes May Come Soon to PC

Blake Roberts, Staff Writer

Drastic changes to the way classes are scheduled may be coming soon to Presbyterian College.

A committee of professors has been formulating a new method to scheduling classes, which would involve adding classes at certain times, while simultaneously taking certain class times away.

Dr. Justin Lance of the Political Science Department is one the professors who is part of this committee.

“The schedule has been an ongoing issue with many faculty, and it’s something we’ve revisited before,” Dr. Lance said. “We studied it with an open mind…obviously if you look at our schedule it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense at times…What’s being proposed has a lot more balance to it.”

In a nutshell, schedule oddities like classes that meet on Monday, Thursday and Friday, or meet at different times during the week, would be eliminated. In their place, a more symmetrical schedule would be implemented.

There’ll also be higher emphasis on 75 minutes classes, and more time slots for labs will be created.

The proposed schedule:


Dr. Lance stated that the schedule changes could only help students. “It puts us more in line with our peer institutes…I think there’re real pedagogical advantages for students. I think that really the big advantage is the balance…it just makes a lot more sense for how most of us operate,” he said.

However, some professors have concerns regarding the schedule changes. Some faculty believes that the changes will only create more conflicts between departments. The music department also believes that the schedule changes will reduce the class time available to them, therefore diminishing the quality of their department.

While this is a heated topic of discussion between professors, it may all end up being a moot point. Voting on this proposal will occur soon, once more discussion takes place. The proposal may be altered during the course of discussion.

If the proposal passes the vote, it will likely be implemented at the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year.

This article will be updated to reflect the faculty vote, as well as other future developments.