Need a Place to Study During Exam Week? Go to Yo’ Cup!

Angela Allsbrook, Staff Writer

Every exam week at PC, there never seems to be room to study!  All the tables are taken in the library. All of the classrooms are filled in Jacobs, HP, Neville, Richardson, and Lassiter. All the lobbies of dorms are occupied by studiers. Now there is a place for PC students to study in town!

Yo’ Cup Yogurt & Coffee House is having the following exam week specials just for PC students:

  • $1.00 drinks* with any purchase
  • Refills on coffee and tea for 50 cents
  • 50% off yogurt refills**

*coffee, tea, and hot chocolate

**50% off the lesser yogurt

These specials will begin Sunday, December 8 and last until Thursday, December 12.  On Sunday, they will be open from 3-10pm, Monday 7:30am-12am, and Tuesday through Thursday they will be open from 7:30am-10pm.  They are staying open late just for us!

Yo’ Cup is located downtown at 127 East Main Street.  Bring your books to study or come hang out for a tasty, well-deserved study break.  PS- they have free Wi-Fi!