Outgoing SGA President Graham Bailey Reflects on Time in Office

Kendra Talley, Staff Writer

Presbyterian College is special because of the faculty and students that are deeply involved on campus. For instance, there’s senior Graham Bailey, an Econ and Business Administration major who is the outgoing president of PC’s Student Government Association. Every week for the past year, PC students have received at least one email from him giving the rundown on the week’s events,

Bailey has been involved with SGA in some capacity for the past two years, and he says that the biggest shift that he has seen during that time is the “variety of ways SGA is working to serve the student body.” He believes that SGA has taken on a larger role in campus event planning with events like PC’s Fall Festival, Monster Jam, small concerts and more.

Bailey said what he was most excited about accomplishing as the President of SGA was getting students more involved. To try and help with numbers, SGA added and endorsed “groups such as the SGA committees for Campus Dining, Blue Pride and even Campus Beautification.” With these programs, Bailey hopes that the foundation has put in place for these things to continue and only grow stronger and continue to incorporate the students here at PC.

Getting involved in Student Government is not an easy job and sometimes can be very stressful. However, this did not stop Bailey. He felt compelled to get involved because of the importance of providing “a forum and face for the student body to ensure there is accountability on their behalf and that everyone’s time at PC is the best it can be.” Furthermore, with Bailey’s major in Econ and Business Administration, he felt it was important to realize that “college is a business and students are customers.” Thankfully, however, while president, he was fortunate enough “to never have anything too serious come up while in office.”

Bailey will be graduating in May. As might be expected, he has big plans.

“I plan to pursue a career in financial services, ideally in investment banking, helping others to plan for retirement and achieve their financial goals.”

Even though he is excited, like everyone else waiting to graduate in May he says that “it’s a bit of a scary time” for him. However, he attributes the opportunities that PC has afforded him throughout his college career provided by the Career Development Office.

Before his time is up at PC, he has some thoughts for the next set of officers. While he does not have any demands of them, he hopes that “they find their niche and their own way to leave a mark, while also continuing to build on the programs [his] group put in place.”  Bailey knows that it takes time and hard work to get to the ideal place, but he has no doubt that the next group will serve PC well.