Religion department in search for new Christian Education professor

Getting ready for spring is always a stressful time. With summer in the air, all anyone wants to do is lay in their eno all day and listen to music. However, there is always those pesky finals and the stress of making a schedule for the next semester to come in the fall. What might not have been noticed this past registration is that there were not as many Christian Education electives offered in the upcoming fall school year. Could this be because of budget cuts, or is it not as popular as PC’s business and biology department? The answer is that the Religion Department is currently searching for a new Christian Education professor, and is thus unsure of the direction that the Christian Education program is taking.

This search comes with Dr. Davis’s announcement that she will not return to PC for the next school year. According to Dr. Jim Thompson, this announcement has brought on search for a new professor to fill Dr. Davis’s spot.

“We’ve been granted by the provost the opportunity to do a faculty search,” Dr. Thompson stated. “Since Dr. Davis announced her leaving about a year ago, we in the Religion Department have been discussing what to do with the Christian Education program.”

According to Dr. Thompson, a meeting will be held next week by the Religion Department to plan an employee search for the available position. “There are some in the faculty and church that say we should, with the Christian Education courses, keep things the way they are running now. That’s what we are trying to do with this upcoming plan for hiring a new professor for the Christian Education major.”

Clearly, students are the main victims of this situation. Emily Green, President of SGA and ADPi sorority and double majoring in political science and Christian Education, is an example of a PC student who is incredibly involved. Of course with her social life and extra curriculars, school has always come first; therefore, she gives her insight as a student as to why this Christian Education program is so vital to Presbyterian College and the loss it will bring to the campus if cut off. “I think it’s important. I like the new direction they’re going in with having to take electives, but I also think the new part with having to choose a 300 or 400 level class shouldn’t be available for a freshman to take because that’s a lot to take on. But I think especially since Presbyterian College is a liberal arts college, it’s important to take religious classes because it makes it a liberal arts college, and they could fall in love with Christian Ed. like I did. It helps you try new or different things.”

Although Green did not come to PC seeking a Christian Education major, she ended up deciding to double major. “I came in a political science major, and took a Christian Education class second semester and really liked the professor, so I decided to minor in it and eventually had enough credits so decided to double major.”

Green especially emphasizes the importance of how young people need Christian Education classes in order to understand the Bible in today’s society. “It teaches you how to properly convey hard concepts to young people, such as hard concepts like fostering a community of faith.” Not only does her Christian Education class make her feel welcome as soon as she walks into the classroom, but they also have become a part of her family. “My Christian Ed department feels like a family because we can all come together and talk about issues and just have like-minded and same-faith-minded people around you. It is nice to have this community.”

Isn’t that what Presbyterian College is all about? Finding the people who make you feel safe, and keep an open mind about world-views in a Christian point of view? “While we live, We serve” is Presbyterian College’s motto, and what better way to serve but through the love and understanding of Christian Education.