Video: A Business Plan-PC Student Barrett Moody Working with Clinton City Council on Economic Development

Presbyterian College’s Cornelson Center. ©Kathryn Dover

Mitchell Mercer, Editor-in-Chief

Throughout its school history, Presbyterian College has had a number of students who have gone on to do great things in their local communities, the state of South Carolina, and across the world.

To build on the school’s unique tradition, a current sophomore, Barrett Moody, is looking to boost the college’s relationship with both the city of Clinton and Laurens County through economic development that could help benefit all three aforementioned communities.

In our collaboration with BlueTube, The BlueStocking chatted with Moody on her plans with Clinton City Council along with new ideas that PC students could see in the near future.

Check out our video of Barrett’s plan right above.

Editor’s Note: The community center idea mentioned in the video was recanted after publication.