At 5:00-7:00 PM on Wednesday, February 26, the Student Activity Board hosted an event in Springs Student Center, in which people came and crafted their own no-sew pillow. This was done using a small rectangular or square piece of fabric. Some were cut while others were not and came in many different designs. The designs included rubber ducks, teddy bears, zigzags, pink, mint, grey, flowers, and more. There were enough pillows and designs to satisfy everyone who came and sat in the afternoon. The way one makes the pillow is that they would get two fabric pieces, and cut flaps on the edge/perimeter of the said pillow cloth. One needed to ensure that there were the same number of flaps on the edge as the opposite piece. Then, the person would tie the flaps from the first cloth to the second cloth. One cannot tie all the edges through, since there needs to be an opening for the pillow fluff/cotton to go in. After putting the fluff in, one would continue to tie the flaps together to ensure all flaps were tied and holes were gone. Depending on whether one got a pre-cut or non-pre-cut pillow fabric, could also determine how long they would be there. Yet, being there a long time wasn’t an issue as the activity was very relaxing since everyone was relaxing and tying the flaps of the pillow together with friends and talking to one another. The making of the pillows was very fun, as I also participated in the activity. Although I originally was confused about how to make the pillow, a member of SAB patiently explained to me twice how I can make my pillow. The combination of the members and efforts of SAB mixed with the environment of being lively and speaking with friends was incredibly relaxing. Everyone’s pillows were so cute with different designs on them and different color combinations. I look forward to experiencing a similar SAB event with the same energy.
No-Sew Pillow Recap
No-Pillow Student Activity Board
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