PC Student Music Media: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going


Erica Vogler, Staff Writer

Student media involvement at PC can be credited to a generous gift that started the Russell Program in 1987 which enabled students to get involved in the media. The program funded the start-up of the media center and established other forms of media. One way students got involved was through radio; in 1990 the Russell Program bought $6,000 worth of air time from WPCC AM where student disc jockeys played songs that were popular on campus. With a growing student interest and demand, PC brought radio onto campus in 1992 and the student-run WPCX was born. PC radio was popular during this time because students were limited to what was on the radio or their own personal music collections. The radio industry has suffered from the changes in our ways of listening to music such as Pandora and Spotify where listeners get a more personalized station with less commercials; and WPCX was no exception. In 2013 the radio station WPCX gave its last broadcast.

I have always had a passion for music and wanted to continue this at college. I had a late start on this quest for involving myself in PC’s student media and started to look into getting involved with PC’s radio station during the spring semester of my sophomore year. Unfortunately, just as I started to express my interest PC radio was on it’s way out. The dream of sharing my music findings with the rest of the campus community quickly subsided as PC radio came to an end. I figured that with no radio station on campus there was no way to have a student media presence in the musical realm. Fortunately for me, as a Media Studies minor I signed up for Dr. Brent’s Introduction to Media Studies course. In this class we were told to find a way to involve ourselves in the different student media outlets on campus. Most of the options seemed to be based on writing which was not appealing to me, ironic I know as I am writing for the Blue Stocking now, so I started to think of ways to somehow once again establish a student media presence based on music. I decided to work with the ever changing media instead of against it and had the idea to launch a Spotify account. With linking a Spotify account to the Blue Stocking students could once again share and create music playlists in a more updated way.

With that being said I have started the account and will be updating and posting the links to different playlists onto the Blue Stocking website for easy listening. My hopes with this is to not only fulfill my own personal wish of sharing what I love but also restore PC student music media. I invite anyone interested in this initiative to feel free to contact me and get involved. Check out the first, of hopefully many, playlists linked on the Blue Stocking website that is a random complication of songs that I am currently listening to!

Link to Playlist: http://open.spotify.com/user/pc_bluestocking/playlist/3VDogRC553Ik3uv2KY5x5u