Bailey and Georgia To Undergo Maintenance


Blake Roberts, Staff Writer

Georgia and Bailey Halls are to receive repairs for vandalism and fire alarms, respectively, that have recently plagued students.

As Lucas Pressley, a freshman living in Bailey Hall recalled that roughly a month ago, the fire alarm, “went off, and once everyone started to head back in, it went off again.”

The issue stems from the fact that the fire alarms went off, not because of two fires starting within minutes of each other, but because of the placement of the detectors.

As Mark Osinga, the new Executive Director of Campus Services explained, the fire alarm detectors are located too close to the heating units. With winter temperatures dropping, students turn on the heat, which triggers the alarm.

“It is detecting heat,” Osinga said, and that the issue is more of a nuisance than a safety concern; regardless, he plans to have the entire system replaced, if not this fiscal year, then the next. The only issue is that it’s difficult to preform the repairs while Bailey Hall is being inhabited.

However, the knowledge that a fix is on the way should come as a relief to Bailey Hall residents. “It’s just been frustrating,” Pressley said, “because it takes time away. Especially when you are in the shower and it goes off.”

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Mayonnaise thrown at the elevator in Georgia

Georgia Hall’s problem is surprisingly more of a health concern than Bailey’s. For those unaware, Georgia Hall elevator’s was recently vandalized by someone mistaking it for a toilet and urinating inside. This issue is compounded on the ever-present trash that litters the hallways, and the discharge of fire extinguishers inside the building.

In an e-mail sent out to Georgia residents by Vice President for Campus Life and Dean of Students Dr. Joy Smith, she states, “All of us are victims of this juvenile behavior of a few people and we will work together to stop the behaviors as best possible.”

This will be done in several ways, as listed in the email. Cameras will be installed as soon as possible, future vandals will be referred to the student conduct hearing boards with a recommendation for suspension, and that, “all resident will be billed directly for the repairs…as soon as feasible.”

One source even hinted at possibly making Georgia Hall co-ed, believing that having a mix of genders will curtail the extreme behaviors of both. There has yet to be an officially released statement concerning this possible change.

Whether these measures, which may be seen as some as harsh, will actually change the behavior of Georgia residents is yet to be seen.