Netflix Class to be Taught at PC

Netflix Class to be Taught at PC

April Fools, Staff Writer


Due to a recent influx of interest in Netflix over social media, Presbyterian College is proud to announce that a new course called “Netflix Watching 101” will be offered in the spring of 2016. This course will count for three hours of academic credit in the fields of Media Studies and Film Studies. The curriculum will be created from scratch by a team of Media Studies professors and majors and will consist of: how to most comfortably view a movie or TV show, how to properly procrastinate, and how to cope with Netflix withdrawals when the internet is down, along with other fascinating subjects of study yet to be decided. The course will also offer a lab in which students will be asked to perform what they learned in class. The class promises to be a rigorous, yet rewarding one with endless opportunities for practical application.

On a similar note, talk has begun of also creating classes like Yik-Yak 102, Snuggling 103 and Super-quickly-writing-an-essay-like-ten-minutes-before-class-because-you-watched-Netflix-until-2am-last-night-and-forgot-all-about-it-until-just-now 200.