The Terrifying Tour

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Kendra Talley, Staff Writer

BOO! Halloween is here and so are the haunted houses. On Thursday, Oct. 28, the CHAMPS house was completely turned into a haunted house for the students of PC thanks to the president of the freshman class, Philip Bell.

When asked about his main goal for having the haunted house, he said, “My main goal was to provide entertainment and something fun and safe for the students and make sure that everyone enjoyed themselves.” According to all of the screams that were probably heard by all of Clinton, it’s a pretty safe bet to say that the students enjoyed themselves and the house was very effective.

The CHAMPS house definitely transformed for the occasion. As soon as the group was led into the house, it was pitch black and there was a thick fog that covered the entire house that made it nearly impossible to see. The set-up of this haunted house was a tour led by a guide who took the time to show the group of people into each room. Each room was decorated with scary objects and held a scary monster, which added to the experience. After the tour guide led the group out of each room, monsters continued to roam throughout the house scaring people and sneaking up behind them. The monsters also would try to scare people by grabbing or touching them from behind. To add to the frightening experience even more, doors would randomly slam to keep everyone on their toes. The house was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by the many people who came to check it out!