Running With The Bulls

Rachel Miles, Staff Writer

Running of the Bulls in Pamplona

Hello readers! This is Rachel Miles reporting in from Pamplona, Spain. Pamplona is infamous for it’s Running of the Bulls festival every year. Also known as San Fermin, the Running of the Bulls is a weeklong festival where each day begins with several bulls being released/herded through the streets and into the Plaza de Toros, the stadium for the bulls. Then, there are bullfights.

The first day is supposed to be something extra special. Everyone dresses in all white and wears red scarves around their necks. There are fireworks every night–lots of partying and shenanigans.

The Running of the Bulls was made famous by Ernest Hemingway, who came to Pamplona during the fiesta. In The Sun Also Rises he talks about his experiences and gave San Fermin worldwide fame. I have the book downloaded on my Kindle and plan to read it soon.

Unfortunately, I won’t be attending San Fermin this year as it happens in July and 1) my visa only lasts for 6 months, 2) I’ll probably have a summer job, and 3) my return plane ticket is already booked for May. Perhaps I’ll come back to visit.

Hopefully my talking about San Fermin has given you a little idea about Pamplona and maybe a starting point if you decide to look it up.

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